Chicago Whitewater Association is a 501(c) non-profit organization. Chicago, Illinois
The location of this outing has been changed to the Des Plaines River due to the high level on the Fox River. We are meeting at 10:00 am at the Forest Preserve just east of the intersection of River Road and Algonquin Road. Turn in at Campground Road Woods?? The take out will be at Irving Park Road. Paddle is approximately 7 miles. We are going to Fibs Brewery in Des Plaines after the paddle around 2:15 pm? Patrick Rivers
Please join us on Sunday, October 13th, CWA Fox River Fall Colors Trip. Important this is a 12 mile paddle it will take 5-6 hours. Bring a lunch and fluids for the river. After the paddle we are planning on going to Two Brother's Restaurant in Aurora for dinner. We will start at the put-in Last Resort Tavern in Sheridan. Directions: I-88 West to Route 56 (sugar Grove) Exit Roue 47 South, go thru Yorkville to Route 71 West (turn right) to N 41 Road also called Bowen Road , Turn Right into Sheridan, IL. then take N. Robinson St. turn right take that to the "Last Resort Tavern" . Meet at the parking lot of the "Last Resort Tavern at 8:30 am be ready to shuttle by 8:50 am. You will need two $5.00 bills, one each for payment at the put-in and the take-out. Please provide your phone number when registering in case we need to call you the morning of the trip.